First Tee Contra Costa is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization that is dependent on community funding and support. Thank you for considering supporting our vision and mission.

Our legal name is East Bay Golf Foundation. Our Non-Profit Tax ID is : 01-0803067


If you wish to support a specific cause at First Tee Contra Costa, please specify in the “note to seller” field. Otherwise, your generous donation will be used for general programming costs and to continue funding our financial assistance program. Thank you very much for your donation.

Click to donate below:


We graciously accept gently used or new golf equipment that meet the following guidelines. Please contact our office so we can schedule an appointment to receive your donation.

  • Junior golf Clubs in good playing condition, manufactured within the last 10 years. Adult golf clubs are not being accepted at this time.
  • Clean, undamaged Golf bags in good working condition (please clean out pockets)
  • Golf balls in fair, playing condition.
  • Golf tees
  • Ball markers
  • Training Aids
  • Golf shoes & attire not being accepted at this time.


Our chapter uses a lot of very familiar products to assist in coaching drills and setting up games. Golfers and Non-golfers can help with the following:

  • Hula Hoops (that are not broken)
  • Pool Noodles
  • Frisbees
  • Balls of various sports
  • Ball needles and pumps
  • Yard sticks
  • String line
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Sharpies
  • Agility ladders
  • Cones (big, small, flat or tall)