Participant Spotlight – Ryan Donahoe

Meet Ryan! A very cool guy and one of our participants at First Tee – Contra Costa.

  1. When did you start with First Tee?
    I started in January 2022, when I was in second grade.
  2. In your bag, what is your favorite club? Your least favorite club? Why?
    My Driver because it’s fun to hit the ball really far. Least favorite is my 9 iron because I don’t use it that much.
  3. Who would be your dream foursome (what 4 people would you like to play golf with?)
    My 4 people are my dad, Coach Lucio, Zuhair and my Opa (who died a long time ago, but was a really great golfer).
    (Editor’s note: Zuhair is one of our teen participants at First Tee)
  4. What is the best/favorite thing your coach has taught you?
    How to hit with the driver.
  5. What would you tell a friend who is interested in First Tee or golf in general?
    They should try it and if they like it they should keep going and keep practicing. It takes a lot of practicing.
  6. What is your favorite game to play during classes at First Tee?
    I really like to go on the course, but my favorite game is trying to hit the target on the driving range.
  7. Do you play other sports? If so, what do you play?
    I also play tennis, baseball and soccer.
  8. Do you take part in any extracurricular activities?
    Drum lessons. I really like playing the drums.
  9. What is your most memorable experience on the golf course?
    One time, the whole class did something really good and we got lemonade and fries from the clubhouse. It was awesome!
  10. Is there anything else you would like to share?
    Not really, I just really like golf!

Great answers Ryan!

Editor’s Note: In the collage above, Ryan made the putt for Par!