Coach Spotlight – Jackielou Caniete
We are happy to recognize Coach Jackielou Caniete because she is awesome! An alumna of First Tee – Contra Costa, Coach Jackie returned to our chapter in Summer 2023 and coached the different age groups in our program, summer camps, the Girls Golf Program, became a counselor at our annual Lake Tahoe Camp at Camp Concord, and worked alongside First Tee chapter staff at our office. Coach Jackie stayed busy! Check out her Coach Spotlight below!
• How did you get involved with The First Tee of Contra Costa?
I got involved with First Tee – Contra Costa at the age of 6. I started taking the classes until I was too old to be a participant once I reached the age limit, I started to volunteer and then became a Lead Coach.
• What have First Tee participants taught YOU?
First Tee participants have taught me a lot, they taught me how to become patient and to always have fun while teaching the lessons. They also taught me to celebrate the small wins.
• What would you tell a parent who was thinking of enrolling their junior into a class at The First Tee of Contra Costa?
I would tell parents that through enrollment in First Tee, you can provide your child with more than a lifelong game; you will be introducing them to endure life skills and fundamental values. These values and skills will be something their child will use in a golf setting and in their everyday lives. I would also mention that First Tee is a fun way of learning golf, and you will be able to make lifelong friends.
• What is the best thing about being a coach?
The best thing about being a coach would be seeing the participants improvement and seeing them become more confident in their golf game. When I see how far they have come and how excited they get when they notice their own improvements, it warms my heart because not only am I helping them improve their game, but I’m also helping them notice how skilled they can be.
• What is a hobby or something you do that might surprise other coaches or The First Tee participants?
Something that might surprise other coaches, or First Tee participants, is that I used to play the violin for three years.
• How would your players describe you as a coach?
I think they would describe me as fun and silly, but also someone who is caring but can be serious when needed.
• What is your favorite club in your bag and why? What is your least favorite club and why?
My driver would be both my favorite as well as my least favorite club. That is because I like to hit my drives far and in the middle of the fairway, but I also struggle with slices when my golf game has an off day.
• What is one strategy you use to keep participants engaged during class?
One strategy I would use to keep kids engaged would be to ask questions throughout the whole class as well as having discussions after every activity, sometimes to make it more interesting and fun I would make the activity go from easy to hard as they take turns.
• What is your favorite game or activity to use in class?
My favorite game to use in class would be the putting game called poison. I love that game because it makes the class interactive and competitive.
We are so proud of Coach Jackie as she prepares to go to Nursing School in Austin, Texas. We’ll be seeing Coach Jackie again soon!
Thank you for all you do Coach Jackie!